Our First Baby

The Scheupp’s put us in touch with their breeder, Patrice Dorsi of Pepitas, in Winthrop, Massachusetts.  They warned us that she was very strict when selecting parents for her Devon kittens, but based on the Scheupp’s recommendation we were quickly accepted and placed on the spring waiting list.

On Saint Patrick’s Day, Patrice e-mailed to ask if we wanted a “point boy” from the latest litter.  I had no idea what she meant by “point boy” other than perhaps it was a male cat, but I excitedly responded, “Yes!!” Our kitten had been born on 1 March 2009 and Patrice named him “Rascal”.   When my husband and I married in 2008; our wedding song (which he painstakingly selected – his only “wedding responsibility”) was “My Wish” by Rascal Flatts, it was fate – the name stuck. Little did we know that the name would fit our little guy’s personality perfectly.

We waited in anticipation for 10 very long weeks.  I had doubts.  As a child, John hated cats.  We love to travel, would this limit us?  What if I were allergic?  What if John “forgot” to put the toilet seat down and he drowned.  I was a wreck!

While waiting to become a “Mommy”, I did extensive “Devon Rex” research, kitten proofed the house, bought toys, a giant scratching post/playhouse and a pet carriage. 

What is special about a Devon you ask?  Boy were we in for a surprise!! 

This is from the Iams Cat Breed Guide:

This breed has a special personality all its own. If you’re looking for the mythical aloof, independent cat, don’t get a Devon Rex. Devons want to be with you every moment of every day, taking part in every activity, huge ears cocked in curiosity, large eyes glistening with love, agile paws reaching to tap you if you aren’t paying them full attention. When they’re in a playful or affectionate mood (which is most of their waking hours), they wag their tails with delight. For highly active, inquisitive cats, however, they tend to be even-tempered and adaptable.

In a household of these pixies, you’ll find that the Devons stick together but will readily cuddle with other cats if no other Devons are present. Devons tend to get along well with cats, cat-friendly dogs, and even parrots. They Extraordinarily social and people-oriented, Devons don’t do well if left alone; at least one other cat or other sociable animal companion is needed for those times you can’t be with them. But their favorite playmates are humans. Devons are not content to sit by your side or on your lap; they sit on your shoulders or drape themselves around your neck like curly-coated scarves. Some fanciers say Devons believe they are human. They love to play fetch or participate in just about any activity that can be performed with their preferred people.

Devons will keep you laughing. Highly intelligent and keen observers of human nature, Devons are known for getting into adorable mischief. Because of their curiosity and ability to fly through the air with the greatest of ease, no shelf or cupboard is safe from the inquiring mind and agile paws of the Devon Rex.

Devons communicate when they have something to say. Their meows are distinctive chirps and twitters.

Devons are also known for their insatiable appetites—after all, it takes a lot of energy to race around the house without touching the floor. Unless you want your Devon Rex clinging to your leg like a huge, wavy-haired tick, you’d better be on time with the cat food. They also have peculiar appetites and will snack on uncatlike foods such as pasta, corn, cantaloupe and even bananas. Eager to sample what you’re having, they’ll steal food off your plate, your fork, and sometimes even out of your mouth.

You can read all that, but you don’t really “get it” until they move in with you. 

Rascal became a member of our family on 16 May 2009.  Life changing?  an understatement!!!

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8 Responses to Our First Baby

  1. AnaBea Vetro says:

    That picture of the kitten is so adorable…does he really have those beautiful blue eyes?

  2. Jeanette says:

    We are getting a little baby from Patrice on June 18th!! We can hardly wait to welcome Stuart into our lives!! Your babies are soo cute!

  3. Jeanette says:

    Hey! I do have a photo of Stuart, I will try posting it to this comment, it may not work. I could always email it to you if you would like to see him…

  4. Dana says:

    I too bought a beautiful devon from Patrice Dorsi. Unfortunately, I he became infected with FIP and we had to euthanize him this week! Good luck with your Devon’s, I hope they aren’t carriers like mine was!

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